Find out more about how Skyland Wealth operates and what a membership entails

What kind of membership fees do I have to pay?
Membership is for free. We only charge a success based transaction fee of 1% for deal volumes below EUR 50 million and 0,5% for volumes above. This fee is payable for both, buyer and seller. Only in very rare cases we move away from this.
Who can become a member?
Anyone who has a net worth of more than USD 25 million or anyone who works on behalf of families/ individuals (Single or Multi Family Office).
Why do you only cater to ultra high net worth individuals and families?
Once people obtain a certain amount of wealth, they oftentimes share commonalities with each other. These commonalities range from topics of interest (philanthropy, inheritance issues, larger investment sizes….) to similar expectations towards discretion, service quality or communication habits. Important moral and ethical values are often shared. By focusing only on this group it allows us to be most precise in our membership approach and the opportunities we make possible.
Do I have to prove my net worth to you?
No. Most people who apply we already know. If not, we will do our own research or rely on partners who do offer extensive due diligence on people and families. Another alternative we will always recommend is to get a recommendation from an existing member to facilitate the onboarding process.
What kind of private asset deals can I expect to find?
We will focus exclusively on private asset deals. To us this is any investment you can directly make, no fund structures in between and no crowdfunding involved. In the beginning (2019-2022 at least), we will focus on anything related to real estate (properties, project developments, mezzanine financing…) and locations specific to Germany, before we will scale the network internationally and offer more private asset classes (direct investments into companies or startups, collectibles..).Our investment opportunities combine the following criteria:
Volume: > EUR 5 million
Location: primarily A-B-C cities in Germany
Type: any
Stage: any (built, planned or under construction)
Exclusivity: always
Please elaborate more on your network?
Our network of ultra high net worth individuals/ families comprises currently more than 300 qualified (we have a personal relationship with them) contacts in Germany and internationally, with thousands more within our reach.
What kind of information can members see once they are part of the community?
Discretion is our top priority, so you will not be able to look at projects (properties) or other members. We are not Facebook or the typical real estate brokerage platform. You will be connected only once we find a match to your search criteria. No more time wasted looking for the investment you want.
What kind of services are you offering?
Once registered, you can define your search criteria depending on what kind of property, project development or mezzanine financing opportunity you are looking for and we will discreetly connect you only to the deal flow you are interested in. The dealflow will come out of the network itself in most cases. We will curate all relevant information about the object (property), the market, and possible transaction and financing partners so you can efficiently come to a go or no-go decision before going into the offline due diligence process. Our goal is to offer you all the information you need at your fingertips so you will never miss an opportunity again.
What kind of property information can buyers see once there is a match to their search criteria?
They can see all relevant information required in order to come to a decision. We will not show all property-related information to every potential buyer to make sure the property stays off-market as long as possible. Only once the buyer pays a registration fee specific to the listing of interest will they will be able to see all information. Furthermore, we offer the option to exclude certain people/ families from being connected to you.
Is the whole transaction process online?
No, Skyland Wealth helps you to find the private asset deal you are looking for via our unique matching process online. Once you have decided to go ahead with a transaction, the whole process goes back into the offline world. If selected, we can be at your side during this process as well, helping you to finalize the deal together with the party on the other side.
How do members receive information on a deal?
Only digitally, in the member area. This allows for a much higher level of discretion when it comes to the property and deal data. A crucial feature for every seller or partner looking for capital.
Is Skyland Wealth independent?
Yes. Skyland Wealth is 100% independent.
Transact with Skyland Wealth
Find the most suitable bank for your financing needs with the help of the FFC (Family Financing Calculator)
Sell with us
Offer real estate for sale exclusively and off-market in the Skyland Wealth network of UHNWI. Access €6+ bill. buying potential among the most affluent people in Germany.